Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The importance of vocabulary skills for the enhancement of reading comprehension level among freshmen college of marketing management free essay sample

A person’s jargon is the arrangement of words inside a language that are natural to that individual. A jargon as a rule creates with age, and fills in as a helpful and essential device for correspondence and getting information. Gaining a broad jargon is perhaps the biggest test in learning. Be that as it may, jargon is the focal point of language and the significant part of any language. The more the jargon the understudies have, the simpler the understudy builds up the sentence. Understudies regularly get challenges to comprehend what they read since they frequently locate some troublesome words in text. Perusing without significance will make them exhausted. Jargon and perusing are two things firmly identified with one another. One can't appreciate a perusing entry well in the event that he doesn't have the foggiest idea or comprehend jargon since jargon is one of the fundamental component to construct understanding section. For that we should worry with the jargon improvement since it is expected that there is close connection transport between the extents of one’s jargon with scholarly one handling in understanding cognizance. We will compose a custom exposition test on The significance of jargon aptitudes for the upgrade of perusing understanding level among first year recruits school of promoting the executives or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page That way to quit expanding one’s jargon is to stop scholarly perusing cognizance development. Perusing is the mother of all examination aptitude. It is one of the most important aptitudes an individual can obtain it is a mind boggling process. Perusing isn't only a capacity to perceive composed or printed words, however it likewise alludes to putting significance to what you read and drawing brought together idea of what is perused. The perusing capacity assumes a focal job in showing learning accomplishment at all instructive stages. Having any trouble in this ability will bring about assortment of outcomes. Perception is the pinnacle of the understanding aptitudes and the fundamental for all understanding procedures. The aptitudes, for example, getting the right importance examining the author’s perspective and applying what one gains from perusing to genuine circumstance are what establish â€Å"reading comprehension†. It is considered by some specialist as a definitive goal of the perusing procedure since he doesn't fathom what he read is considered as though he has not perused. Foundation OF THE STUDY Vocabulary ability is one of etymological highlights, which impacts the open fitness. Paulston et al (1976: 55) express that the one thing that meddles most with our understudies open skill is pitiable jargon and we have as of late come to acknowledge the way that our understudy have been correct every one of these years when they whined about not knowing and not being shown adequate words. The above explanation uncovers that jargon aptitude is significant yet understudies are exceptionally feeble in it. Besides, Hammer (1991: 23) resources that for a long time that jargon was viewed as valuable to the principle reason for language instructing, to be specific the securing of syntactic information about the language. Jargon was important to give understudy something to suspend on learning structures, yet was habitually not a principle center for learning itself. Words are fundamental structure squares of language; in reality endurance level of correspondence can take fathomably when individuals basically connect words together with no syntactic guidelines applied by any stretch of the imagination. So on the off chance that we keen on being informative, words are among the main thing to take care of. Some examination discoveries additionally unveil that understudies who have procured more jargon things, they will be bound to explain and convey the back rub. Along these lines, subsequently their accomplishment in talking abilities is better that the individuals who are shy of jargon understanding or have procured less jargon things. Lamentably numerous educators continue instructing and learning as a dull procedure. They talk officially before the class, give a few clarifications, read some information’s from the books, show the materials and understudies continue watching and tuning in to the instructor. Understudies do less investment in the class exercises and don't have wide opportunity to get out what they have realized. Larsen and Freeman (2000:126) expressed that games are significant in light of the fact that they share certain element practically speaking with genuine informative occasions there is a reason to the trade. Additionally, the speaker gets quick input from the audience on whether the individual has effectively imparted. In this 3 way, they can arrange meaning. At last having understudies work in a little gatherings augments the measure of open practice their get. These marvels can be clarified by the condition that there are numerous first year recruits understudies and educators who despite everything experience issues in introducing English in their classes. The English educators ought to consistently attempt to utilize various procedures and strategy of instructing jargon. The media they for the most part use are now natural to the understudies, for example, PCs or force point introductions. Proclamation OF THE PROBLEM This examination which concentrated on the significance of jargon abilities in reding appreciation intended to respond to the accompanying inquiries: 1. Respondent’sProfile: a. Sex; and b. Age 2. What can jargon abilities help the respondents in understanding perception? 3. What challenges do the respondents experience jargon? 4. In what manner would students be able to improve completely their own jargon abilities? 5. What is the significance of jargon aptitudes for the upgrade of understanding appreciation? * You can without much of a stretch appreciate an understanding book. *Advance commonality in the word. Theory In accordance with the issues planned: 1. To comprehend what can jargon aptitudes help in perusing cognizance 2. To discover the challenges in learning jargon. 3. To perceive in what manner would respondents be able to improve completely their own jargon aptitudes. Extension AND DELIMITATION This examination was bound in deciding the degree of jargon aptitudes of the understudies. In any case, this investigation is constrained to manage the instructing of jargon through understanding section. It is proposed to improve the understudies perusing cognizance aptitude. The respondents were the 50 rookies school of Marketing Management joined up with second semester school year 2013-2014 at University of Caloocan City. Hugeness OF THE STUDY The investigation was directed to decide the significance of jargon abilities for the improvement of perusing cognizance level among rookies understudies of showcasing the board in University of Caloocan City. Toward the finish of the examination, coming up next are the people that will profit by the investigation: To the School Administrators They may put due accentuation in the educational plan on the significance of jargon aptitudes in perusing appreciation in English. To the Professors This examination may increase important bits of knowledge on the utilization of jargon rehearses in building up the oral relational abilities of the understudies in target dialects, while giving them pleasure all the while. To the Students They will have the option to evaluate the significance of these jargon aptitudes in their investigations. To the Parents Will have the option to give their youngsters to have perusing materials, for example, reading material and writer books at home. To the Future Researchers They may utilize this examination as reference or guide in their exploration. Meaning OF TERMS The definitions are planned to maintain a strategic distance from the uncertainty in comprehension or forestalling a few terms utilized in this investigation. Perusing Process of significance elaboration; thinking corresponding to composed image. Perusing Comprehension-The action or capacity to comprehend discourse from printed language thatis related one peruses. Perusing Passage-A demonstration of understanding something. Jargon The supply of words utilized in language. Part 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Local Literature In doing its examination of the surviving exploration in understanding perception, the NRP (National Reading Panel) noted three overwhelming subjects in the exploration on the advancement of perusing cognizance abilities. The jargon directions, connection between the peruser and the content and planning of instructors. The significance of jargon information has for some time been perceived in the improvement of understanding abilities. As right on time as 1924, analysts noticed that development in perusing power implies nonstop development in word information. Jargon is fundamentally significant in oral understanding guidance. (Whipple, 1925) To decide how jargon can best be instructed and identified with the perusing perception process, the NRP analyzed in excess of 20,000 examination references distinguished through electronic and manual writing look. The investigations explored recommend that jargon guidance prompts gains in understanding, yet that strategies must be fitting to the age and capacity of the peruser. The utilization of PCs in jargon guidance was seen as more powerful than some conventional strategies in a couple of studies. It is plainly developing as a possibly significant guide to study hall educators in the zone of jargon guidance. Jargon likewise can be adapted unexpectedly with regards to storybook perusing or in tuning in to other people. Learning words before perusing a book likewise is useful. (National Reading Panel, 2011) Foreign Literature Vocabulary is very much perceived as a fundamental segment of perusing capability with relationships among's jargon and perusing understanding evaluations running from . 6 to . 7 (Anderson Freebody, 1981). This isn't unexpected since it has been assessed that satisfactory perusing perception relies upon an individual knowing somewhere in the range of 90% and 95% of the words in a book (Hu Nation, 2000). Understudies who will become capable perusers ordinarily have bigger vocabularies than battling perusers as ahead of schedule as preschool, and this bit of leeway will in general develop after some time (Graves, Brunetti, Slater ,1982; Graves Slater, 1

Saturday, August 22, 2020

All Children Can Learn and Most at High Levels Free Essays

One of the establishing standards of the Kentucky Education Reform Act is the explanation that â€Å"All youngsters can learn and most at elevated levels. † With numerous states having a noteworthy accomplishment hole between different understudies, it is getting increasingly essential to hold exclusive standards for all understudies. I accept that all kids can learn and most at elevated levels. We will compose a custom article test on All Children Can Learn and Most at High Levels or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now In any case, my point is that not all the youngsters can learn at significant levels in a similar field. As we probably am aware the understudy is the subject of instruction. Instruction expects to develope students’ learning potential. Be that as it may, youngsters from various situations have contrasts in their physiology, knowledge, capacity, bent, intrigue, character characteristics and enthusiastic turn of events. In this way a few youngsters may increase an incredible accomplishment in music while some others may in math. In the event that we can teach them as per their characters and individual needs, most kids can learn at significant levels. American instructor John Dewey (John Dewey ,1859-1952) has called attention to that there are versatility and reliance during the time spent one’s development. This implies the advancement of a youngster has boundless prospects. The antiquated Chinese instructor, the Confucius set forward the possibility that â€Å"No Child Left Behind† and † Teach understudies as per their bent. † This can be viewed as the act of the idea that â€Å"every kid can learn and most at high levels†. In this way, regardless of whether antiquated or current, Western or Eastern, teachers all hold a similar idea. We need youngsters to have the option to learn and achievement, the key is the educator. An expert, high-caliber and eager educator will be a favorable luck to the youngsters. This is the reason self-improvement is a need to instructors. During these long periods of training I met a ton of difficulties to affirm the unique needs of kids and develope their learning certainty. I generally attempt my best to support every youngster and empower them. To instruct an understudy well needs the exertion of all gatherings including guardians, educators and networks. As a home class educator, I join all the gatherings well to improve students’ learning limits and help them to frame away from of themselves. In the event that my classmates can tap the entirety of their possibilities, that will be an incredible accomplishment to me as an educator. These days, the opposition is exceptionally wild. Instructors have the commitment to teach their understudies to be progressively serious in certain zone in the general public. We don’t reserve the privilege to surrender any of the youngsters. Today, we need to surrender the youngster. Tomorrow, the kid may surrender the general public. Society will address a greater expense. Instructions to refer to All Children Can Learn and Most at High Levels, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

Whose Church Is the True Church Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Whose Church Is the True Church - Essay Example The procedure includes becoming acquainted with the zone in which the congregation is to be arranged. Comprehension of how the gospel is comprehended is additionally significant in the foundation of the congregation. To begin a congregation, understanding from both the amateurs of the congregation, and the individuals it is intended for is significant (Elaine 30). Getting individuals to comprehend what the crucial the subsequent stage that would help the gathering in the arrangement of the congregation. In becoming more acquainted with the specific perspectives that accompany the beginning of another congregation, the mission is to know who the congregation is being begun for. It ought to likewise recognize its primary objectives and destinations on the off chance that it needs to exceed expectations in the journey to get the message out. The congregation could be for either two gatherings of individuals. These are the de-churched or the non-churched. The de-churched were once church goers yet don't go to chapel any longer. In any case, the non-churched essentially allude to those that don't have any desire to go to for one explanation or the other (Elaine 34). The amateurs of these places of worship need to know the social decent variety of the individuals they mean to spread the gospel to. They could be ethnic, class driven, the way of life they drove, and the hard of hearing or even non-ethnic broadening. Becoming more acquainted with this is basic in the start of the congregation (Elaine 36). The creator proceeds to guarantee that building the congregation for just one gathering of individuals isn't right. The creator expresses the contention the God, the Supreme Being, is the maker everything being equal and; hence, no one has the privilege to remove that. Building holy places while under the understanding that the word voyages quicker if the gathering of individuals from a similar shared opinion isn't right. The fundamental point the creator is attempting to put across is the different decisions that ought to be accessible. Learners of places of worship ought to think about the making of a different church society. This is going to build the choices for everybody as opposed to only one gathering of individuals. Likewise, they ought to consider the

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Scholarships + Taxes Everything You Need to Know

Paying for a college education with scholarships is an amazing opportunity. Since scholarship money doesnt have to be paid back, it allows students to graduate with less debt by making it easier to avoid student loans. But many students (and parents) wonder, do you have to pay taxes on scholarships? Or are scholarships tax-free?Taxes are always a complicated issue, mainly because every households situation is different. But when it comes to scholarships and taxes, there are only two scenarios students, and their families need to contend with, making it simpler to figure out whether the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers the award income.If you or your student are confused about scholarships and taxes, heres everything you need to know.Contents1 Do You Have to Pay Taxes on Scholarships?1.1 Untaxed Scholarship Funds1.2 Taxable Scholarship Funds1.3 Taxable Stipend Scholarships1.4 Is There a Scholarship Tax Credit?2 How to File Taxes for Scholarships3 Is There a Special Tax Form fo r Scholarship Income?4 Do You Have to Make Estimated Tax Payments on Scholarship Funds?5 Is It Worth Dealing with Scholarships and Taxes?Do You Have to Pay Taxes on Scholarships?When your student lands a scholarship, two scenarios can play out. In one case, the answer to the do you pay taxes on scholarships question is no. In the other, the answer is yes. Thats what makes scholarships and taxes so confusing.However, which side of the line your students scholarships fall on is pretty cut and dry. Taxes on scholarships are based on how the money is used. That means all awards can potentially be tax free scholarships. However, it also creates a situation where any award could be subject to a scholarship income tax.Untaxed Scholarship FundsThe IRS is pretty generous when it comes to scholarships and taxes, making it possible to avoid the awards counting as taxable income by spending the money in the right way.In most cases, your student doesnt have to pay taxes on college scholarships i f the cash is spent on qualified educational expenses (based on the IRS definition). Qualifying educational expenses include:TuitionFees (including mandatory student activity fees)BooksEquipment and Supplies (listed as must-haves for the course)Essentially, if the expense is a requirement for enrolling in the college or a particular class, your student usually wont owe taxes on the scholarship funds used to pay that cost.It also doesnt matter if your student pays the money to the college. For example, if your student opts to buy their books online instead of at a campus bookstore, that is still a qualifying educational expense.It is important to note when it comes to scholarships and taxes, optional equipment, supplies, and material might not be considered qualifying educational expenses. For instance, if your student buys a book from the campus bookstore that is not on the required list (even if it could be relevant to their education), that book might not meet the IRSs definition. Taxable Scholarship FundsScholarship money not used on qualifying educational expenses is considered taxable income. This includes funds spent on other expenses as well as any your student chooses to save for a rainy day.Regardless of whether the money is used to pay the school or any other business or institution, these costs are not qualifying educational expenses in the eyes of the IRS:Room and BoardInsuranceMedical Costs (including student health fees)TransportationUtilitiesEquipment or Supplies Not Required for a Qualifying CourseOther Living or Personal ExpensesSimilarly, money spent on sports that are not part of credit-earning courses does not qualify. Unless the sport is part of an actual degree plan, any scholarship money spent on it is taxable. The same goes for hobbies, games, or social events.Taxable Stipend ScholarshipsWhile most scholarship awards used on qualifying educational expenses are not taxed, if your students scholarship includes a stipend, that money is usua lly considered income.A stipend is money given in exchange for a service. For example, if your student receives a scholarship in exchange for assistant teaching a class, that money is income and therefore taxable.This caveat also applies to scholarships given that require the promise of future services. Playing off that last example, if your student is a freshman, accepts the scholarship, and that scholarship is compensation for a commitment to assistant teach when they are a senior, that is a stipend and is taxable income.Usually, stipends occur more for graduate student scholarships than undergraduate students. However, that doesnt mean there arent undergrad scholarships out there with stipends, so it is important to be aware of this scenario when you are trying to understand scholarships and taxes.Is There a Scholarship Tax Credit?There isnt technically a scholarship tax credit. However, if some of your students scholarship funds qualify as taxable income, they may be eligible fo r an education credit that can lower their tax burden.Essentially, the IRS does not allow a student to use the credit on expenses paid with tax-free scholarships. But, if a scholarship becomes taxable income, your student can use educational credits to offset the cost of any additional qualifying educational expenses that werent covered with tax-free scholarship money.Usually, this scenario doesnt occur. However, if your student happens to end up in this situation, they may get some tax relief.How to File Taxes for ScholarshipsIf all of the funds are spent on qualifying educational expenses, your student is in luck. That scholarship is tax free, so your student doesnt have to worry about reporting it on their taxes at all.But, if some or all of the money is taxable, filing taxes on the scholarship is a must. Luckily, filing taxes for scholarships is pretty straightforward. In most cases, the awarding organization will provide your student with a W-2 (the same as they would get from an employer), and the taxable income amount will be listed in Box 1. That number in Box 1 then gets listed on Line 7 of IRS Form 1040 when your student files their taxes.In rare cases where a W-2 isnt provided, that doesnt mean your student doesnt have to report any taxable scholarship income. Instead, they need to calculate the amount of taxable income, put it on Line 7 of IRS Form 1040, and enter SCH on the dotted line next to Line 7.If your student struggles to figure out their scholarships and taxes because they arent certain if they spent money on qualifying educational expenses, their school answers at least part of that question. The college will issue a 1098-T, and that can serve as a guide.Is There a Special Tax Form for Scholarship Income?No, there isnt a tax form specifically for handling scholarship funds. Your student will only need to complete IRS Form 1040 to report the taxable scholarship income.Do You Have to Make Estimated Tax Payments on Scholarship Funds?If part or all of your students scholarship is taxable, they may need to make quarterly estimated tax payments based on that money qualifying as income. Since taxes are not automatically withheld from scholarships (like they are from traditional employer paychecks), they might need to make payments during the year to satisfy the IRS requirements, similar to how self-employed individuals have to manage their tax obligations.Whether your student needs to pay estimated taxes on the scholarship awards depends on their unique situation. However, the IRS has a quick online interview that can help your student figure it out: Am I Required to Make Estimated Tax Payments?Is It Worth Dealing with Scholarships and Taxes?In nearly every case, dealing with scholarships and taxes is worth it. Even if a scholarship becomes taxable income, your student pays much less in taxes on the award than the full value of the scholarship. Additionally, it may help them avoid costly student loans, the cumulative inter est on which will usually exceed the amount your student would pay in scholarship taxes incredibly quickly.Ultimately, scholarships are a cost-effective option, even if your student has to pay taxes on the money. If you and your student want to learn more about where to find and how to land scholarships,attend our free college scholarship webinar! Head to to sign up.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Criticisms on the Studies of World History Essay - 1989 Words

In the late twentieth century, the study of world history has emerged to allow both historians and students to understand the world from a global perspective. World history is viewed to be part of the academic field than the research field. According to Charles Hedrick, author of The Ethics of World History, Western civilization was the main course taught in schools and universities before world history became part of the curriculum. The need to understand the world in a broader perspective compared to a Western perspective made the study of world history popular in the United States. Historians approached the study of world history with a thematic approach to understand the integration and difference between people and major events of†¦show more content†¦This is most noticeable in patriotic world history. The development of world history from the Right created the â€Å"patriotic world history.† This approached to world history advocated American values and accompl ishments. Patriotic world history most obvious criticism is its Eurocentric perspective on world history. The patriotic world history serves its purpose by â€Å"legitimiz[ing] particular political values.† It focuses on the values and experiences of European and Euro-American, while treating other societies as paths to avoid. Sometime patriotic world history â€Å"goes so far as to exclude most of the world’s peoples and societies from world history.† This approach is far from the original goals of world history to understand integration and differences between people and events without compromising other societies. Another criticism of patriotic world history is the lack of professional historians. Two advocates of patriotic world historians are Paul Ganon and Diane Ravitch. While they have a degree in history, they lack the qualification of a professional historian. They proclaim to understand the meaning of the global past and use it for their own politicalShow MoreRelatedSocialist Feminist Criticism1164 Words   |  5 PagesSocialist Feminist Criticism: You Dropped the Bomb on Me, Baby Feminism and gender studies have been described as having the ability to challenge literary and culture theory to confront the difficult task of assimilating the findings of an expanding sphere of inquiry (Contemporary Literary Criticism 567). This area of study has taken center stage during the last fifty years, not only in our society, but also in literary criticism. Although the terrain Feminism traverses can hardly be narrowedRead MoreReading the Old Testament Essay1187 Words   |  5 Pagesextensively for centuries. Archeologists and Scholars have labored and pondered over texts trying to decipher its clues. It does not matter how many times the Old Testament has been studied there will always be something new to learn about it or the history surrounding it. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Children With Bipolar Disorder The National Institute Of...

Sabrina Peters Research Essay Child Adolescent Dev. Professor Wissman November 5, 2015 Children with Bipolar Disorder The National Institute of Mental Health has defined bipolar disorder as a serious mental illness that is marked by extreme changes in mood that range between two states: manic and depressive. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is classified as a mood disorder. This disorder goes beyond the typical ups and downs. Bipolar disorder is becoming more prevalent amongst children and teenagers and it is seen as a much more serious medical condition than it has in the past. A manic episode is characterized by feeling the following: very happy, excited, impulsive, show a short temper, talk really fast about a†¦show more content†¦was 1.3 per 10,000 and in 2004 that number jumped to 7.3 children per 10,000. In their article for Bipolar Disorder Treatment, authors J. Segal, R. Segal, and Smith explained that there is not just one type of bipolar disorder; in fact there are several different types of bipolar disorders. One type of bipolar disorder, which is the most commonly known, the Bipolar I Disorder (mania and depression). This type of bipolar disorder is characterized by at least one manic episode or mixed episode. The vast majority of those who suffer from bipolar I disorder have also experienced at least one episode of major depression, however, it is said that it is not required for the diagnosis. The second type of bipolar disorder is Bipolar II Disorder (hypomania and depression). This type of disorder does not actually involve mania like the first type did. Instead of mania, there are recurring episodes of major depression and hypomania, which is a milder form of mania. To be diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, you must have experienced at least one hypomanic episode and one m ajor depressive episode in your lifetime. The last type of bipolar disorder is Cyclothymia (hypomania and mild depression). This is a milder form of bipolar. Consistent with bipolar disorder, it shows the mood swings. However in contrast, the highs and lows are not severe enough to be considered or qualify as mania or major depression. In order to be diagnosed with cyclothymia, you must Children With Bipolar Disorder The National Institute Of... Sabrina Peters Research Essay Professor Wissman November 5, 2015 Children with Bipolar Disorder The National Institute of Mental Health has defined bipolar disorder as a serious mental illness that is marked by extreme changes in mood that range between two states: manic and depressive. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is classified as a mood disorder. This disorder goes beyond the typical ups and downs. Bipolar disorder is becoming more prevalent and a much more serious medical condition. A manic episode is characterized by feeling the following: very happy, excited, impulsive, show a short temper, talk really fast about a lot of different things, trouble sleeping or not tired, and trouble focusing (National†¦show more content†¦In their article for Bipolar Disorder Treatment, authors J. Segal, R. Segal, and Smith explained that there is not just one type of bipolar disorder; in fact there are several different types of bipolar disorders. One type of bipolar disorder, which is the most commonly known, the Bipolar I Disorder (mania and depression). Th is type of bipolar disorder is characterized by at least one manic episode or mixed episode. The vast majority of those who suffer from bipolar I disorder have also experienced at least one episode of major depression, however, it is said that it is not required for the diagnosis. The second type of bipolar disorder is Bipolar II Disorder (hypomania and depression). This type of disorder does not actually involve mania like the first type did. Instead of mania, there are recurring episodes of major depression and hypomania, which is a milder form of mania. To be diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, you must have experienced at least one hypomanic episode and one major depressive episode in your lifetime. The last type of bipolar disorder is Cyclothymia (hypomania and mild depression). This is a milder form of bipolar. Consistent with bipolar disorder, it shows the mood swings. However in contrast, the highs and lows are not severe enough to be considered or qualify as mania or major depression. In order to be diagnosed with cyclothymia, you must experience periods of hypomania and mild depression over at least a two-year time span. This is due

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Generic Competitive Strategies-Free-Samples

Question: Discuss Which One Of The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Is Virgin Galactic Employing? Answer: Porters Generic competitive Strategies are ways of competing with other organisations in the market. According to Ibrahim (2015), this competitive strategy actually determines whether the profitability of a firm is above or below the industry average. It is when the average profitability is above the industry, the organisation can be said to have competitive advantage in the long run. Porters showed two basic types of competitive advantages as enjoyed by the organisations. These are low cost and differentiation strategies. These are the basic means that the organisations undertake at times in a combined way to achieve competitiveness in the market where it operates (Becerra, Santal Silva, 2013). These two competitive strategies have leaded to three generic strategies that would help an organisation to achieve above average strategies and better performance in the industry. These three generic strategies are cost leadership, differentiation and focus. Again, the focus strategy has tw o other variants; these are, cost focus and the differentiation focus. Fig: Porters Competitive Generic Model (Source: Becerra, Santal Silva, 2013) In the case study, it has been found that the Virgin Galactic group has come up with a completely new and innovative approach where the group will start offering spaceflights to the customers. The company wants to design a robust spaceship called Virgin Galactic that would offer customers to travel to space and have an orbital journey and then come back to the only habitable planet. Richards Branson vision is to introduce space tourism to the consumers. The idea is to make opportunities for people to become astronauts and visit space in lieu of a huge amount of money. For the same purpose, it has been found that the Virgin Galactic had also taken $25, 000 deposits from people who want to ensure their flight to be booked in advanced, while the actual price of the ticket has been kept as high as $200, 000. The confidence that the Virgin group showed towards their venture showed that the dream can be easily turned into reality. Among the keenly interested passengers, Stephen Hawking, Ka ty Perry, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are few names worthy to be mentioned. The company has already come up with the physics and chemistry behind the launch of this vehicle that would take people far away from the earth. All it requires is now the accomplishment of the plan to see the reality that has always been a dream for people. Keeping this particular case study and the business venture into consideration, it can be said that the Virgin group is definitely undertaking the approach of product differentiation strategy as part of the business strategy. The three generic strategies can be explained here: Cost Leadership: The idea of the cost leadership strategy is to offer the particular product or service in the lowest possible price to the consumers in the market. As commented by Lechner and Gudmundsson, (2014), cost of products is definitely a vital factor when it comes to consumer decision making. Therefore, considering the price or rate of the product is important and in fact a lower priced product has the chances of higher selling in the market. In order to offer the product at a lower rate, the organisation needs to manage the cost required for the manufacturing of the product. This is when the concept of cost leadership comes to play. The idea of cost leadership is when s firm sets out to become the low cost producer in the industry where it operates. The cost leadership strategy include the pursuit of the economies of scale, the proprietary technology and the preferential access to the required raw materials and other things for the manufacturing of the particular goods (Bre nes, Montoya Ciravegna, 2014). It is when the organisation will be able to gain the cost advantage, it would become a low cost producer in the industry and will be an above the average performer. Aligning this factor with the idea of Virgin group, it is clearly evident that the company is not at all looking for cost leadership strategy because the business idea that has been proposed requires huge investment and there is no scope for reducing the price in terms of its raw materials or products. Therefore, this particular factor can be easily rejected from the given factors of Porters Generic Forces. Differentiation: The second generic factor is the differentiation. The idea is to serve a unique product or service that will be equally acceptable by the consumers because the product will be best from all the dimensions. The differentiation strategy is based on the concept buyers would perceive the product to be important as it will uniquely serve the needs of the people (Herzallah, Gutirrez-Gutirrez and Munoz Rosas, 2014). In fact, this product can also be rewarded with a premium price for the uniqueness that it will serve. The differentiation strategy can be rightly aligned with the case study as the idea is to introduce a completely new venture of taking people from the earth to the outer space. The cost and expenditure on these ventures are not low but it requires lot of money that is easily been appreciated by the interested people because they have been found to make advance payment for the future venture. Focus: The third strategy is focus when there is a narrow scope of competition within the industry. The particular business head selects a particular area of business and they expand in that direction. Moreover, in this particular strategy, the organisation also selects a particular target group of people for whom the business will be proposed (Riasi, 2015). This is the method of serving exclusive service or product to the particular target group. From the case study, it can be clearly stated that the Virgin group has focused on creating a completely new business venture that would create hype among the target group of people. In this case, the Virgin Group has also selected a particular target group of people as well. The target group is the rich and wealthy people which can easily afford the high price that this venture demands (Cusumano, Kahl Suarez, 2015). At the same time, the science enthusiasts as well who want to know about the uniqueness of this universe. The Focus generic strategy has also been broadly divided into two segments, these are: Cost focus: In the cost focus strategy, the particular firm looks into the cost advantage among the target segment in order to achieve more profitability in the business. Differentiation focus strategy: This is another narrowed down feature of the business strategy where the organisation makes focus on the difference in the product or the service offered by the organisation considering the target group of consumers. It is important to consider the particular target group segment to which the product can be sold (Prajogo, 2016). Therefore, it can be easily said that the business strategy as undertaken by the Virgin group is definitely the differentiation focus strategy. As commented by Porter and Heppelmann, (2015), the focus strategy delivers certain competitive advantages to a particular organisation in terms of serving the rivals and offering a better product or service to the consumers. In this respect, it can be easily said that the target group of people were selected prior to thinking about the business. The idea of sending people to the space and to create thousands of astronauts cannot be considered as a product idea for the common people but this has been definitely done for the sake of the rich people who can easily afford the price of the ticket required for flying high (Grant, 2016). In fact, from the case study it has also been evident that the organisation has also taken money from the interested candidates who want to visit the outside world. Therefore, there is no doubt that the competitive strategy as undertaken by the organisation is nothing but the focus differentiation strategy. There are certain points that need to be considered when an organisation undertakes the differentiation strategy. Primarily, the organisation needs to carry out detailed research and analysis of the market where it wants to operate (Teeratansirikool et al., 2013). As mentioned that the focused differentiation strategy aims towards a particular target group, delivering the best suitable product is the most important criteria. The ability of delivering the high quality service to the target group is the only major concern for the business. If these factors are not fulfilled then there remains the chance that the business venture will not be accepted by the target group and the business venture will not be a successful one. In such cases, risks will be inevitable and the organisation might have to suffer a lot (Porter Heppelmann, 2014). The differentiation strategy is not undertaken by large organisations because there remains the chance of risk. On the other hand, these organisations always prefer to undertake the cost differentiation strategy and look into the expenses behind the cost of manufacturing the product and offer the same to the consumers (Panwar et al., 2016). It cannot be denied that these are on-going strategies that are undertaken by the organisation in order to create a difference in the market and create a better market for itself that would increase the profitability of the organisation. With the detailed analysis on the Porters Generic Strategies, it can be said that the business strategy undertaken by the organisation is Focus Differentiation strategy where the company wanted to offer something new and unique to the people. The target group of people was fixed before proposing the idea and that they were the rich and wealthy people having crave for something unique to experience. The proposed business idea has not turned into reality till now but it has definitely created a stir among the particular group of people who want to gain the experience. The proposed strategy could be successful if the proposed plan is successfully carried on. There was no scope for undertaking other generic strategies as per the recommended business and this was the only suitable strategy for the business. It can be said that the business strategy should always be considered on the basis on the market condition and the target group of people as well and with it the other competitors pres ent in the market References: Becerra, M., Santal, J., Silva, R. (2013). Being better vs. being different: Differentiation, competition, and pricing strategies in the Spanish hotel industry.Tourism Management,34, 71-79. Available at: [Accessed on: 15-8-2017] Brenes, E. R., Montoya, D., Ciravegna, L. (2014). Differentiation strategies in emerging markets: The case of Latin American agribusinesses.Journal of Business Research,67(5), 847-855. Available at: [Accessed on: 15-8-2017] Cusumano, M. A., Kahl, S. J., Suarez, F. F. (2015). Services, industry evolution, and the competitive strategies of product firms.Strategic management journal,36(4), 559-575. 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